Monday, September 18, 2017

Assignment 5 - Designing a Photographic Essay

A photographic essay is a set or series of photographs that are intended to tell a story or evoke a series of emotions in the viewer. It allows the photographer to tell more than what is possible with a single image. Essays can range from purely photographic (no text) to photographs with captions, small texts or full text essays accompanying them. Photo essays are typically either thematic (addressing a specific topic or issue) or narrative (tells a story, usually in chronological sequence). 

The assignment:
Create a series of photographs that work together to conceptualize a theme or story idea. You should have at least 5 photos in your series.  
Write an introduction paragraph to begin the photo essay, and a caption for each photograph in the series. Include a description of what you are trying to communicate about the subject and why you found this subject matter interesting.
Choose one of the concepts listed below, or create your own, and discover your own essay through the lens of your camera.

Photo Essay #1: Document a Local Event. 
Photo Essay #2: Exhibition. 
Photo Essay #3: Transformation (Short-term). 
Photo Essay #5: A Day in the Life. 
Photo Essay #6: Raise Awareness. 
Photo Essay #7: Turn a Day Out into Reportage. 
Photo Essay #8: Give Meaning to Street Photography. 
Photo Essay #9: Neighbors. 
Photo Essay #10: Education. 
Concept and text by Jeremiah Gilbert and Rebecca Cauchon
Due date:  Concept posted with explanation of your visuals - September 22
                  Final images posted - September 28

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Assignment #4 - Bar Codes Rethought

This assignment is a bit tricky.  I'll be honest, I don't know what I would do given the concept of "bar code".

I'd like you to think about what a bar code looks like, what it's used for, and what it represents as a polar opposite of nature and man.

How would you photograph the concept of this?

Due date:  September 19.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Assignment #3: "Splish, splash..." or the "How to Photograph Objects Dropped in Water" trick...

Photo Credit: Paul Van Allen
One of the most fun photo projects I was ever taught is the infamous "Strawberry Drop", created by Nikon instructor Paul Van Allen.  The set up is the most complicated part, the actual "drop and capture" is the fun...

Your assignment is to create the set up for the drop in the photography studio, using the fish tank and two external speedlights.  I'd like all of the AP Studio and Photography 3 students to work together with this.  You don't have to drop just the strawberry, by the way...check out Paul's "Pepper Drop" set up in the link below:

I will be providing the equipment, the tank, the fruit, you all will provide the talent and creativity.

Due date:  TBD

The Final - Me then and me now

photographer Chino Otsuka  photographer Chino Otsuka What do you remember about yourself from when you were a child?  Where did y...