Thursday, February 15, 2018

Assignment 14 - Oh, Those Clever Librarians and Their #Bookface

Bookface photographs by Ray Delara of the Burlingame Public Library in California

How complicated can it be to take a photograph of a book cover for the purpose of posting it on Instagram? Fairly complicated, particularly for those trying to create an image in what has become known as “bookface” style.

Bookface involves strategically lining up your face or another body part alongside a book cover that features a matching body part so that there appears a melding of life and art. The minitrend is giving a boost to the digital presence of institutions that are, by definition, purveyors of analog information.

Your assignment:  create a #Bookface of your own.  You may do this solo or as a group.  Take special care to compose thoughtfully, with attention to great composition and lighting.

Research books in the NDB library today and post the final image not later than 2/27.

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